936-336-4026 [email protected]


Emily’s career has intertwined law and public policy from the beginning.  Emily worked five legislative sessions in the Texas Capitol which helped give her practical experience on shaping public policy and being involved in politics at every level of government.  Emily particularly relishes cases that are an opportunity to stand up for clients who have been hurt by government overreach. On the other end of the spectrum, Emily enjoys helping families provide for their medically vulnerable loved ones, whether that is an elderly parent or a medically fragile child. Emily also enjoys helping families work out land and estate issues.

  For each client that comes to our office, Emily’s approach is to recognize that often, those in need of legal services are facing some of the most stressful situations in their lives.   Our office strives to keep clients up to date on the progress of their matters on a routine basis. We also offer non-traditional hours and modes of communication to make retaining legal services more accessible to a broader swath of individuals who work a normal workday and week. 

Emily serves on numerous boards, including President of the Board of Directors for Meals on Wheels of South Liberty County and vice chairman of the Liberty County Appraisal Review Board.  Emily’s legal career began as the long-time general counsel of Texas Right to Life and included a stint as the assistant general counsel to the Republican Party of Texas.  She now serves as the Texas attorney for Pacific Justice Institute, a 501c3 national legal defense organization representing clients to preserve and protect parental rights, the sanctity of Life and religious liberties.  Emily also works as a staff attorney with Paul Davis and Associates, a conservative law firm focusing on employment law and constitutional claims.  

Emily earned her law degree from Baylor University School of Law and her B.A. in Political Science from Stephen F. Austin State University and is a native of Liberty County, Texas. Emily and her husband Justus live in Liberty, Texas with their two young sons, Andrew and Connor and daughter Abigail!